Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Sorry folks I've been super busy, not only with the homestead but I just started a new home business. I love it. Earn cash everyday. HERE

Flowers Just starting to bloom. Next year I'm doing some serious landscaping.
Pigs are starting to put on weight. Looking forward to the bacon.

My chickens. Those girls follow me around all day until I stop and pick them up.

Peppers are doing good. I kinda messed up this year. I wanted to kinda auto mate things.Maybe next year.

Nice Fresh Lettuce.


I enjoy flowers and planting, as you can see.

Here I'm in the holler, we planted clover.

Here is an old barn board I used to hang some of my Indian plates. It came out pretty good.

Tomato's are doing nice this year.

Not sure if you can read it, but it hangs on the gate to the hog pen.


Here is Izzy! Not sure where Penny is.

More flowers.


My sister and her husband here visiting.

Well that's it for now please check out how you can earn daily cash.

So far this has been a great year. God is good! Did you know he is the master farmer and gardener? With the rain we've had stuff is growing almost out of control. I have some new pictures below for you. Always plenty to do, the last storm took down some trees that I need to cut up, that way I'll have plenty of wood for next winter. This coming winter I'm good and the fire wood is all seasoned.

 OK time for some new pictures.

Great mess of tomatoes, even though my chickens got about 15 of them, they are now in the chicken yard until growing season is over.

Darn it. I hate when this happens, my phone has not got my pictures on Google+ yet. I'll place some more as they load on. Sorry!

A light snow. Picture taken from back deck.We don't get a lot of snow here.

Today I took a ride up on one of the ridges and was shocked when I found some big trees blew over. Last week I remember we had some strong winds so they must have come down then. Check this out.

Ya! all that what looks like dirt is the root-ball. Below is another.

I enjoy the sunsets, taken from back deck.


Another small chicken house I started. Almost done. Chicks on the way.

New sprayer I just got for the 4-wheeler. Makes it easier to keep briars off the fence line.

Now it's on one of my 4-wheelers. I have 2 and they both are workers.
Another view of the garden boxes, also the area ready to plant corn.
A small buck caught on game camera down in the holler.
My old chicken yard.

Here is a doe caught on a game camera down in the holler.

Front of house before deck was put on. Landscaping is in the works.

My dog Issy. I have 2 Issy and penny they are sisters. I'll find one of penny somewhere.

Issy and penny on the 4-wheeler. Time for a ride.

Last years peppers. Peppers did good last year.

Ya know you do not need to have land to grow your own vegetables. Heck you can grow in boxes, planters, even in bags. Try growing your own vegetables, you will love it.  I'm waiting for my piglets to stop weaning and my chicks to get here. In the mean time I need to get wood in for next year and get the boxes ready to plant. Ok more later.

Well today I just picked up 2 piglets. Their names are ham & bacon. Here they are.

I also picked up a few more chicks. they are below, you'll also see some guinea hens in their. I think 5 of them.

Please share comments.


Here are a few shag bark hickory logs. Not sure why the pictures are sideways I can't seem to rotate them. I'll use these for my smoker, along with apple wood.

Ok here is one of my strawberry boxes, notice the white PVC I place a garden cover over it so the birds do not get my berries. I do the same thing with my raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. Sorry the pictures are sideways. Darn.

Here is a new block garden I just finished. Here I'll plant lettuce and radishes maybe spinach. You'll notice the holes this is where I'll plant herbs. When I redo my strawberry box I'll plant berries in every other one including inside.

Here is the PVC I used to make the frame for cover.

 Just finished siding on chicks suite.
Lord I love my homestead life.

A few more pictures just taken.
Just picked spinach, lettuce, strawberries and fresh eggs. 
Just another view.

Hey check out my new page just added, after so many request about my home business I figured it's time to put in on one page. Go Now!

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